Tuesday 12 October 2010

Evaluation of preliminary task

Within the creation of my preliminary task I created a film, this included planning and research.The film in which I created was based within a school.
Within following conventions I made sure I kept to the genre which was one of which was aimed at teenagers. This was mainly teenagers of a lower age, for example 13 and 14. This is because that is around the age of the actresses. This allows the target audience to relate to the film more, this is called verisimilitude. Also I made sure that the location was within a school environment. I choose a school library because the sense of books around the actors within the scene shows that they are at a school. As the audience will use representation of the objects such as books, chairs and tables to a school environment. Also the characters costume also follows conventions due to the fact that it school uniform. If I did not use school uniform then the target audience would have a sense of confusion.
Within the film I made sure that I used camera work for example shot reverse shot. The reason I did this so it allows the target audience to see each characters reaction with the conversation. It also allows the target audience to relate it to a normal conversation, as you don’t focus on one element, the conversation is continuous. I believe shot reverse shot empathises this. It also breaks up long conversation which will occur in this genre.
Within the production of the creation of the film there were different types of technology in which I had use. Sony- Vegas movie studio platinum 8.0 was the editing programme in which I used to make the film finalised. This included editing techniques, placing the film coverage in the correct areas and cutting the film in places where it’s excess. Camera was also another item in which I used, this was required to record the film in which I wanted to create.
There are many different skills in which I used without the preliminary task, within the production I had to do research. I believe that I looked into two different genres within the research; however it would have benefited me if I did some research into the genre of film in which I was going to create. Also within the production I believe that I could improve this with going into more detail such as writing more about the camera work, sound, editing, mise-en-scene, narrative, representation. Also I believe I should find out the target audience opinion through the use of questionnaires. However within the production I learnt how to use the editing programme Sony – Vegas movie studio platinum 8.0. Also within the filming I used different skills within camera work. I used various camera actions such as shot reverse shot, low and high angles, over the shoulder shot; match on action, hand held camera and the 180 degree rule. I also was able to follow the instruction within the preliminary task.
There are many different skills in which I believe I need to improve. One example of this within the production is making sure that I make the shots more smoother, even with the film I created I used the tripod, it however was not securely fastened and this created some shots to be shaky, within me actually film I want to make sure that the film is completely smooth unless it is an camera work. Also I want to use more of a variety of camera work to build up tension and also keep the target audience entertained. Within planning, I will research into what camerawork is more likely to be used within that particular genre so that it is more able to follow conventions. Within the planning, I will make sure it is professionally done, use of questionnaires, more in depth within the plan including for example a list of props and I will also take in more information without the creation including composition.

1 comment:

  1. Level 3

    You have conducted detailed research for your preliminary task. You analyse the use of technical elements in moving image products well. Good planning is also evident. Your product includes all required techniques, and you reflect well on the task in your evaluation.

    To continue to improve in your main task include discussion of conventions (if both the genre and opening sequences generally) in your analysis of similar products. Include more detail in your planning.
