Wednesday 5 January 2011

Level 4 criteria

Within looking at Level 4 criteria, i watched a prior created film at the standard of level 4 called The Accused. I believe that this will help me in my particular media product because i am also making a film within the same genre. The most important aspect in which i need to work on is the use of the tripod to make the shot steady. This element was used within this particular product and allows it to look more smoothly done and proffessional. There was also many different shot types used within this particular product some examples of this are: over the shoulder shot, close ups, long shots, high angle and mid shots. Editing also fits into this and some examples of this is: cross cutting, shot reverse shot, zoom and reverse zoom. These both allow me to see different aspects to show different situations rather then sticking to the same shots such as close ups and mid shots. The variety allows the audience to be entertained and doesnt feel like its the same particular story line as it is broken up.
The titles that are used are also important, the use of the production company to begin with allows the sense of formality because the creator has put in alot of thought and research because this usually occurs first. It also informs the target audience who made the film, this could encourage the viewer. The colour scheme that is used is also very important because it links into the particular genre it is, this is of red and white. The red symbolises in this case, blood, torment and horror. The white also allows the characters to be seen on the darker location shots so its easy to read. The titles are also very proffesional looking because the places in which they are structure which is where little focus of location is such as the two bottom corners. The use of the font is also very professional looking which allows me to understand in which would look better for my particular product.
The location is also key within the production many of the locations refer back to the genre. Dark gates which suggests that the particular character in white is trapped. Other locations that are used is the reference of the extreme long shot, with the church and the green. This allows the target audience to feel the characters isolation. Also the church resembles death, this is a place where furenals would occur. Another location which is used is the reference to the interview room, this particular room is dark and uses low key lighting this gives the room an edge and darkness is often linked to horror.
One editing technique which refers to location is when the male and female are in a room sitting, this editing technique makes the scene black and white. This suggests that this scene is back in time, i believe this symbolises that this particular moment is sinister and that the character is trapped.
There are many different characters that are used within this particular film production, first the main character whom in which is dressed casual in black joggers , casual white t-shirt and white trainers. This allows the character to be more relatable to the target audience because he is not extremely dressed up. This creates vermsistude because the character would look out of place if he was jogging in a suit. Also the contrast of the white clothing of the red blood allows the blood to stand out more and it creates the situation to be more terrifiying.
The character whom in which i believe to be a police man or laywer who is accusing the character in white. The costume suggests his importance as he is in a suit. This is directly linked to an higher sophisticated character.
The women whom is killed, you can tell is feminine because of a dress. This directly links to her gender.

Within this particular research into looking into this film product the accused i am going to use different elements to help me such as making sure some of the locations are dark, the character are clearly showing there characteristics through costumes and particularly chilling camera work.

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