Tuesday 25 January 2011

Title sequence analysis

Within the title sequence of Halloween, there is a consistent theme in which relates to the film. This is the colour scheme this is related to the holiday Halloween, traditionally the colour orange is associated with it due to pumpkins(figure one). The first element that occurs within the title sequence is the production company this is due to the fact that they have put money into the production of the film(figure two). This makes it the most important feature within the film so you know that they made the film. This colour is also orange, this then fades to red which is stereotypical to blood and horror so links into the genre of the film that is being produced (figure three). So automatically as soon as the film starts you know that they’re will be violence associated with blood and Halloween within this film. The text is situated around the pumpkin so that it flows easier it also allows the image to be the main focus but also attracts attention to the text so that the audience knows who is staring and helped create the film such as costume co-ordinators (Figure four). The text used for the title of the film production is different (figure five) to the flow of text for who has taken part in the film this is so that the name of the film stands out. The style of the text is slightly serif this is to give it an edge and make it creepier then the other text. The other text is consistent within the style and is used throughout. The continual use of orange to red change of colour is used throughout. At the end of the title sequence when the pumpkin fades out there is text displaying the location, date and time(Figure six). This is used is a different font so you know that  it is different to the elements of the title sequence and because the colour white is contrast on the black screen you know that this particular text is important to the plot and setting the scene.
This is the example of the title sequence of halloween.

The production company within the title sequence is the first element which is shown within the title sequence. This is used in the right hand corner this is because it’s not been regarded to be as important as the image on screen (figure one). The colour of the texts contrasts the images used on screen because the title sequence uses a dark colour scheme within the on screen action so the use of the text is used is white (figure two). This is because the white stands out, and makes the film look older and sophisticated. The use of the style of text is child like which suggests a weird element within the film (figure three). This contrasts the images within the film which is more adult such as the forging money, this suggests that the elements of the characters are sinister but have a mysterious element (figure four). The placements of the text are also inconsistent which I believe will show the pace of the film. I believe it also suggests that the film will uncover twists because it’s unpredictable (figure five).
The main title of the film is enlarged this shows that it is the most important element within the title sequence because it is visually shown to be superior (figure six). Also I believe that the contrast of some of the title sequences to be on a black screen as well as some images breaks up the title sequence and makes it more interesting and faster pace that also emphasises this(figure seven).
This is the example of the title sequence se7en.

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