Wednesday 16 March 2011

Draft of evaulation

Evaluation of my media film production

Preliminary task
Within the creation of my film production I built up my skills through different areas within my topic. The first element I started with was the preliminary task this allowed me to undergo different media skills to produce a mini-film about school children.

For this I created research and planning- this would be an outline for my actual research and planning, this would allow me to expand my skills and allow me to improve. I also had to create a storyboard;

this would be required within a real life company so that the production could be seen visually. Finally within this I had to create an evaluation – this I believe will help me on the basis of this because it is a rough guide outline however I believe that this lacked in some details such as institutions and technologies used. Within my preliminary task I had some weaknesses within the actually production of the film this was with the shakiness of the screen. I tackled this through using the tripod constantly within my actually final production so that my film did not give the hand held camera feel but more of a smooth shot.

            The second element in which I created through my coursework was targets, these were used throughout my film – this was to allow me to designate myself deadlines. I did this throughout my film so it would allow me to keep to my deadlines that were overall set. I then did research into similar products the different genres that I could have produced:
  • Thrillers
  • Horrors
  • Comedies
I then took this research into consideration along side with my preliminary task and made a decision on what genre I wanted to create- I decided that I wanted to create a Horror film. I then further did research into horror research this included conventions. I then did research into different horror films; these included devils reject trailer, the first section of The Ring and Rec 2. This was allowing me to get ideas from horror films so that I would be able to create a film that had a believable storyline and would follow the stereotypical conventions of horror films.
After this I created a questionnaire to see who would be attracted to my horror film – this established my target audience. This included results which are also situated within my blog entry.

Within the trasaction between my preliminary tast and the production i made significant changes in the way in which i created my production. This adapted from the planning to the technical skills. The technical skills within my preliminary task were very limited, the shot types manly used were mid shots. Where as within my production i used varied of shot types such as:
  • Close ups
  • Extreme close uos
  • Over the shoulder shot
  • High angle
  • low angle
  • Mid shots
  • canted angles
Within my preliminary task, the mise-en-scene was very limited as it was to create a film that occured within a school environment. This was very hard to target an particular audience. I made sure that i created verisimilitude, i wanted to follow this even greater within my production, this meant that the costumes were carefully represented so that it would give off the right signals - such as the male in all black to suggests evil. I also made sure that the locations were relevant and would make the film scarier. Within the mise-en-scene there was alot more planning to undergo to allow me to get the best potential.

Within the equipment i did not use the required to create the particular film. I did not use the tripod constistantly which created the particular film to have a wobbly effect. Within my actually media film production i did not want this to occur as it makes the film seem shuddy. Also the editing software that i used was different so that i was able to reach my full potential its its final stages of the process.

Within the creation of my media film production i conducted many different studies into different elements of horror films the three main products in which i researched into was devils rejects trailer, The ring and Rec 2. I used the website to research into the different features this was done through watching the first few minutes of The ring and Rec 2, and analysing it. This allowed me to understand some consistancy's between them both. The main conventions that occur within most horror films are:
  • Dark

  • Dangerous surroundings but familar - for example - graveyard.

  • Blood

  • conspicious villian - usually dark hair 

  • victim usually younger - usually blonde - seem innocent

  • Eerie music
Throughout my film i tried to incorparate everyone of these particular conventions such as location, props, dark atmosphere, eerie music, character choice showing the difference through appearance and clothing.

I also did research into the conventions of title sequences - i did this through analysis. I used two different productions for this these were:
  • Halloween
  • Se7en
The websites that i used for these both are:

Throughout this i learnt that the title sequences were very dark and oftern used the colour red for some of there writing of the actors and people involved to represent death. This would influence the audience and through this would establish what the film genre was about. This could also attract the target audience. Within my film production i used this to infulence my production with the style of my title sequence at the begining such as my title:

Conventions I followed:
The conventions in which i followed were:
  • Dark location - For example the element where the girl character is dead on the floor.

An example of this which is taken from a real life film "the signal" has an element with a dead body where the scene is also quite dark, but have used a little bit of light unlike what i have done so you are able to identify that it is a body:

  • Familiar loacation - male and females bedroom. This allows the audience to establish a relationship with the film so that when it goes wrong it creates a more scary atmosphere and they are able to put themselves in that situation.

A real life production that was created that used elements of more familar surrounding was the film one missed call, this uses some locations that are very homely. This adds to the vunrebility of the characters and i wanted to create this within my production.

  • Blood is also a convention used, the reason i did this is because it suggests the sub genre which is slasher. Blood also establishes the fact that the character is dead and makes the film more scary.
An example of a real life production that uses the use of blood, is the production the devils rejects. The use of blood establishes the genre and also allows the audience to understand harm and emotions which allows them to connect with the audience and feel sorry for the characters.

  • The male character adopts a very sinister convention wearing black and also smoking a ciggerette. This gives the sterotypical view of evil.

In the production of my film i have used many different technologies to help me produce it to the best standard. The different technologies that i used was:
  • Apple Mac
  • Desk top - computer
  •  Film Camera
  • Tripod
  • Photography camera such as for my pitch
  • Lighting
Apple Mac:
Within the use of the apple mac, i used this primarily for the editing of my media production. The programe that i used was imovie. This allowed me to place the film and cut down the film so it created the film in which i inspired to create. It also allowed me to add sound, reduce background sound, add in title sequence, editing and adding cut scenes through transitions.
Example of what the editing scheme looks like:
this is an example of the website, that tells you the tutorial how to use the audio effects. On this website is some examples of sound effects that could be used.

Desk top - computer:
Within the use of the desk top - computer this was mainly used for the editing of the preliminary task editing tool i did this through windows movie maker:
Within my prelimilary task i did not use any sound, but i did use differn't transistions. This was done by placing an black or white transistion in the smaller box on the timeline.

Also within the desktop, i used this to place most of the images i needed throughout my blog for example i would print screen my picture. i would then paste it on the publication programme:
i would then place it onto the publisher by right clicking and clicking on the box which says paste:

After pasting it would look like this:

i would then  use the tool bar to edit the image:

after this i would then save it to my documents my right clicking, then pressing save image, then changing the file image to JPEG:

Also within the desktop computure i used the internet website to upload my different entrys so that i would be easier to access and also the layout is very easy to see. for example:

Film camera:
Within my production i used the film camera - HF10  Cannon HD, this was supplied through the school, this allowed me to use sound and images by recording. Within this i was able to watch it on the camera to make sure that the recording that i made was what i wanted to produce.

Within the use of the film production, along side the film camera i used a tripod to enable the shot to be smooth. This was a main aim as in my preliminary task my shots were shaking and i didn't want to produce handheld feel. The tripod that i used within the production was giotto VT 809.

Photography camera:
fujifilm digital camera A850, was the equipment i used to take pictures for my pitch, this allowed me to upload it to the desktop and then put it upon my blog to give examples of costumes, clothing and locations.

Within lighting i made sure that i had blind closed and little lightening on the characters so that it created a dark atmosphere.  Also within the female character i used more lighting so that it made the girl look more angelalic and innocent.

Techincal aspects:
The technical aspects used throughout my my media production was camerawork, editing, sound, and mise-en-scene.

Camera work:
The different elements of camera work that i used was:
  • Close ups
  • Close ups allows the audience to establish the reaction and also to establish the characterists of the character. The second close up also shows the relaxed nature of the male evil character and also creates the sense of mystery.
  • High angles
  • High angles help to establish the nature of the character and there role within this particular film production. The high angle makes the character seem inferior and allows the audience to establish there vunrebility.
  • Canted angle
  • This shot is a canted angle this suggests that the shot is off balance, this suggests that the nature of this character is off balance(crazy).
  • High angle

This high angle empthasis the dominent role of the character. This suggests that he is a main character also within the film production.

  • Mid shot
This mid shot allows the character to understand what her gender is, her reaction to the message upon her phone through still being able to see her facial expression.

The editing that i used within my film production was cross cutting. Cross cutting is changing scenes between the two characters used within my film. This allows the audience to establish that there is a connection between the two characters.

Another technique in which i used was the use of text to establish the different types of elements that occur in a real life film such as the name of the actors within there film, director, publishing company ect. This creates more verisimiliatude, that will attract my audience more.
for example:

Within mise-en-scene the different elements that i used within it was:
  • Props
  • Location
  • Lighting
  • Costumes
  • make-up
  • set design.
Props: There were many different props that i used within my media film production for example the ciggerette used by the man. Also the magazines used by the male character and the book by the female character. Shows the different characteristics the magazine if more relaxed and suggests that the male is less intelligent than the female and that is sterotypically a trate of a murderer.

Costumes: The costumes are very important in this particular film production, it establishes the different characteristics between them, the male is dark colours suggestive of evil and sinister. The female wheres red, which is suggestful of love and innocence.

Location: The location within my film production was extremely important in establishing the genre. The location is extremely familiar that allows the narrative to be more scary as the audience will be able to relate to it more.

Within my film production i used different kinds of sound effects to make the film effective. For example:
  • Voice over - this allowed to create tension, this allowed the audience to know information upon the storyline.
  • Eerie abient sound - this allowed to set the atmosphere and allow to gradually build up more tension.  For example the sound of the ticking clock and the little children playing. The children especially represent innocence and because of the storyline you learn that the female character  has loss of innocences because she is dead.
The film company in which produces similar productions to my film is paramount pictures. For this i did research into this particular company:
For this i did research into the different types of films they made in the horror genre some examples of this is:
  • Friday the 13th
  • The ring
  • Case no. 39
  • Aprils fool day
The similarities that i share within this company, is that they create the same genre- horror films. The company paramount is a distribution comany, this underlies how also they're are similaritys due to they help the process of making the film. This is done through the initial story line, script writing, editing, directing and distributing. All processes in which i had to undergo throughout my production process.

The information in which i found out about the paramount company is:

Paramount is subsidary of viacom, viacom is a major media conglomerate. Different companies that viacom also owns is:
  • MTV Networks
  • Neopets
  • BET Networks
  • Dream works
  • Atom entertainment
This media conglomerate shows that it owns differnt types of media from viral- neopets to televison networking sites - MTV networks.

Paramount pictures also creates many differn't types of films, for example, the genre of film in which i am creating is horror. However paramount pictures make many differen't films with differnt types of genres such as:

  • Action/Adventure
  • Comedy
  • Documentary
  • Drama
  • Family/animated
  • Horror
  • Kids shows
  • Musicals
  • Mystery and suspense
  • Si-fi
  • Silence
  • Speciality films
  • Westerns

Examples of action/adventure:

  • Along Came A Spider
  • Mission Impossible
  • Top Gun

Examples of Comedy:

  • Airplane!
  • Crocodile Dundee
  • Forrest Gump

Examples of documentary:
  • It's All True
  • Tupac: Resurrection
  •  Memory Of Justice

Examples of Dramas:

  • Almost Famous
  • Braveheart
  • Get Rich Or Die Tryin'
Examples of family/animated:
  • Antz
  • Shrek
  • Stardust
Examples of Kids show:
  • Hey Arnold! The Movie
  • The Wild Thornberrys Movie
  • Rugrats In Paris The Movie

Example of musicals:

  • School Of Rock
  • Shark Tale
  • The Prince And Me

Example of mystery and suspense:
  • Chinatown
  • Primal Fear
  • The Firm
Examples of Si-Fi:
  • Cloverfield
  • War Of The Worlds
  • Evolution
Example of silent:
  • Old Ironsides
  • Underworld
  • Wings

Example of speciality films:
  • Girl On The Bridge
  • Enduring Love
  • You Can Count On Me
Example of westerns:
  • Johnny Reno
  • Silver City
  • El Dorado

This infomation was taken from:

This is an example of a horror production, created by paramount pictures. Within this there are similaritys within my production and the professional production. Such as the location in which these are both set; both atmospheres create a homely vibe. When all goes wrong - in a real life situation it becomes a stimulus to scare the target audience. Also the non-digetic sound effects that are also both used throughout enable the atmosphere to be more eerie.

Within my media film production the people within my magazine represent sterotypical characters that occur in conventional horror films. The male villians are sterotypically dark haired, rough looking and would scare people in real life. 

I made sure that within my choice that i would use a male character that is significantly older to make the consept more horrific. The male within this particular production cloths are very dark, this is very representitive of his nature and character:

The use of close ups on the male character also emphasised the elements in which would scare people as his face was very prominent and large features this would reflect on the audience his emotions such as anger.
An example of a male character that reflects this within a  real life film production is the shinning:

 The female in contrast is much younger and is blonde which creates the sense of vunrebilty and innocence. This makes the narrative of the film much more tragic.
An example of a real life film production in which the victim is this sterotypical character is The creep:

The angles within my film also represent the hierarcy of the nature of the character as shown bellow the male character is represented to be more dominent:
 The different shot types that were used within my particular film production linked into the consept of vunrebility and power. I made sure that the shots mainly within the male character were low angle to make the character seem superior:

compared to the high angle on the female which made her look inferior:

An example to support this from a real life film production is from the film House of wax:

Target audience
Within my target audience, i did a questionnaire and based upon my results i descovered what my particular target audience would be:

(link to questionnaire results on target audience)

I discovered that Male and females aged 15-25 would appeal for my target audience. I did some research into certificates and decided that the age for my particular film production would be a 15. I believe that this particular horror would target the older teenage audience due to, locations being familiar and often favorable in adolescent. The actors being around this particular age and the fact that generally younger people likely  to be scared, as they are able to relate to it more.
Examples that i believe appeal to the target audience is the references to different creations within my film. For example the costume i made sure that it was fashionable, this is so at the time of the film the audience would be able to relate to them more, rather then if it was fashion for example of the 1800's. Also the fact that the age range for my target audience are more likely to be influenced by the peers and media about there image it is ideal that the costume is relatable.
Linking into this the location of this particular production is also relatable - this as a homely envronment allows the auidence to put themselves in the situation of the characters. This is what would attract the audience as the audience would want to watch a film which is realistic rather then far fetched which would usually come across as tacky.

Appeal to target audience
Within appealing to my target audience, i used a website called:  to create a questionnaire which i would be able to display on a social networking site, where my target audience would be able to acess it easy. This is an example of my results:

Within this particular question i asked the target audience what gender they were, so that i could establish which gender it attracted to more. i found that 62.5% of partipants were females.

An important question that i created was this to establish how much the target audience watch horror films, this allows me to know the basis of wether i think this particular film could be sucessful within the cinema if it was a real life production. The most voted was every so oftern at 37.5%, this allows me to understand how ofter people would watch my film from my target audience.

This element of the questionnaire, i believe is the most important production within the questionnaire this was if the target audience would purchase the product. I believe from the results at 100%, that this suggests that the film would be succesful if created.

 I asked the participantants "What do you believe could be improved about my horror film production?" these results were discovered:

  • Narrative
  • not so many different sounds towards the end
  • maybe abit more speaking and the man to speak clear and louder
  • sound levels. mainly of the vocals
  • more of a storyline
  • add more speech

I also asked participants "What do you believe worked well in my film production?"'
  • i believe that the mise-en-scene worked well because it relates to the genre
  • the sound effects
  • the storyline
  • camera scenes flicking through
  • music worked well with storyline. lighting worked well to suggest a horror.
  • mise-en-scene

"Do you believe that the mise-en-scene (costume, props, characters, location, lighting and set design) worked well? Why?" Was another question asked, some of the awnsers were:
  • yes because it fit in with genre
  • yes. all indications of a horror film trailer
  • yes because it alll went well with the film and what it was based on.
  • the location worked very well, mainly because bedrooms have more of a "private" , more intimate feel to them. the lighting was good although could of added some lighting fx with red lights glowing on the walls, as red shows evil, but love too. i liked how paul was crossing out the pctures too, it worked well.
  • yes because male character is wearing like scary clothes that makes him look like a paedo murderer person and girl character is wearing girly clothes.

Do you believe the camerawork - worked well? Why? responses:
  • yes, it adds tension to the scene
  • Yes, it changes angles
  • in some it is shakey, however mostly it is fluent
  • yes, the shot types added to the genre
  • yes, it was good. i liked the camera angles and how it flicked through various scenes
  • yes because it alll went well with the film and what it was based on
  • yes because it is showing what both of the characters are doing at the same time so you feel more engaged and connected
  • yes because relevent and not shakey


  1. 11/20 (D)

    To improve further you need to refer to a wider range of specific examples from your production. Give specific examples of conventions you followed, and more detailed examples of you constructed representations through technical aspects such as camerawork, editing, sound, and mise-en-scene. Try to link your use of conventions and discussion of representation to other specific examples from films of the same genre. Discuss the progression of your technical skills from the preliminary to the main task, e.g. use of shot types, mise-en-scene, use of equipment. Give specific examples of how you used technology, e.g. what editing techniques did you use, what shot types/camera movements did you use? Explain how your video appeals to the target audience with reference to a wider range of specific examples from your product. Throughout your evaluation you need to be relating your discussion to specific production choices you made.

  2. Current Marks

    Research and Planning 17/20
    Production 43/60
    Evaluation 11/20

    Total Marks 71/100 (B)

    You now need to make any further improvements to your work by the final deadline of the 7th of April.
