Wednesday 2 March 2011

Focus group

Within my focus group I will ask five males and five female’s questions on how they perceived my film production. The reason that I am asking five males and five females is so that it creates a fair medium of who is the target audience. I will also make sure that all of the participants are over the age of 15 because the certificate in which I would give this film due to research is 15 as the criteria is words used like “fuck”, and violence and sexual content would be very discrete. This is why I believe that this would be the rating for my film production.

The guide line for questions that I will ask will be:

  1. what did you enjoy
  2. What didn’t you enjoy
  3. Would you purchase this product?
  4. how would you watch the product if you did
  5. would you go to the cinema to watch this film
  6. What would attract you to see this film?

I also asked age and gender.

Within the focus group, I carried this out by allowing the participants to watch my creation of the film; I then gave the set questions and retrieved all the answers. I then discussed with the participants what they thought were the limitations of the film – what could be improved and also what they thought worked well.


Within my focus group there were ten participants, 5 of which were female, 5 of which were male. Five of the participants were 16 the other five were. This made the results very equal and I believe this would make it very reliable.

Within the first question used the main answer that occurred was to what they enjoyed about the film was the sound track, however there were also other elements such as props and editing that was also suggested to be what they enjoyed about the creation. This links into the questioning which when we came together and spoke about the product most participants suggested that the soundtrack was a strength within the creation as it linked very strongly to the genre of the film – horror.

I also asked what the participants didn’t enjoy the main weakness that came across was the scream, within the focus group I discussed with the participants why they thought they didn’t enjoy it was because it wasn’t expected and they believed that it scared them a little too much. Another limitation that was discussed was the narration, the participants believed that it was too aggressive and they believed it would be more effective in different tones that are more innocent.

When asked would they purchase the film product 70% of the participants said that they would purchase the product 30% said that they would not because dislike to that particular genre.
When the participants were asked how they would watch the product these particular production through:
  • DVD
  • Cinema
  • Online
  • Television
I also asked would the participants go to the cinema to watch this particular product 60% of participants said that they would go to the cinema.

I also asked what would attract the participants to see this film the response was:
  • Storyline
  • Trailer
  • Teaser
  • The mystery
  • Scary looking element
  • Genre.

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