Wednesday 3 November 2010

Detailed research into Horror

The conventions in which I have already identified are:
  • Use of eerie music to build up tension usually stringed instruments such as violins. The music peeks at its loudest famous example is the psycho scene in the shower.
  • Stereotypically the girls will die first, especially if the girl is blonde.
  • Locations are usually very eerie such as abandoned buildings, grave yards, woods (stereotypically dark areas). The reason for this is because it creates vulnerability for the characters involved.
  • Special effects for example within a Slasher, the violence such as the killing and blood are shown.
  • Within the title usually the colour red is used to signify blood, for example devils rejects
  • They usually play on technology or commonly know used objects to play on within the plot to create verisimilitude which makes the horror scarier, for example in the ring, the use of a video tape is used. Within the times that the film was created the video was at its peak, it was commonly used and many people would relate to this.
  • Often plays on people most common fears, examples of this are clowns and spiders. Both of these horror films have been created for example “It” and “Arachnophobia”.
  • Low key lighting.

Other examples of conventions are:
  • Credits are usually very fast paced, usually with the colour red indorsed within it. Also the credits also use many different sounds that are non-digetic such as screams, the music that builds up tensions – i.e. violins, can use the sounds of weapons i.e. guns. The credits are usually serif this is so that the important information such as crew and cast are able to be easily read.
  • The title for the film is usually in san serif this is to make the title more interesting, this reflects on the film itself. However the title is also not on the extreme of san serif so that it is able to be read as it is the most important element within the film allowing the viewer knows what they are watching.
  • The location are very isolated, this is to make sure that the characters are unable to escape (this is to add on additional information within the previous conventions in which I explained).
  • The camera work within horror films are usually hand held, close ups and mid shots. Hand held because it shows effects such as how the characters are feeling, or sometimes it is the characters filming and it shows what they are experiences such as when they run it shows the camera work for when they run. Close up is to show expressions such as if the characters are scared then it will re-enforce this. Close ups can also show part of the villains identity such as a scar. Mid shots are used to show all the characters, such as conversation. Establishing shots are also used to set the atmosphere such as an eerie location i.e. grave yard.
  • Editing is also an important within conventions in horror films, the main editing that is used are shot reverse shot. This is because it will be used between dialogue of the characters. Also between the villain and characters to show thier reaction and terror.
  • Within narrative there are different conventional storylines one example of this is the babysitter story; an example of this is one missed call. The narrative consists of, a teenager that gets a babysitting job in a location that is very isolated. Usually the Teenagers is blonde and is not introduced to the child. They usually link to the technologies such as the phone and television. The character usually watches the television, does revision/class work, gets food and talks to people via the telephone. The telephone usually holds the key to prank calls. These prank calls are usually from the killer. The calls are usually from within the house. They usually check on the children and often there is no children, the killer torments the character as they try to call the police. Usually the baby sitter grabs a knife and runs around the house, the baby sitter usually escapes.
Another example of conventional narrative is a killer within a mask who never dies. An example of this is Halloween. This usually includes the characters in which are teenage, this is to attract the target audience, also teenagers are stereotypically vulnerable due to drugs and alcohol influence.

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