Saturday 13 November 2010

The devils rejects trailer

The devil’s rejects trailer-
The first example in which occurred at the very beginning of the trailer was mise-en-scene. This is a police report, this is done because police often show important, significant and suggestion of something bad occurring within the news. This is reflected within this short sequence. The man on the police tape also shows significance because of his appearance, the uniform and his moustache suggests his importance, power and that he is very manly. This is an important characterise for a policeman because they are suppose to be in control. It is also to show that the police are the "good guys".
It then uses editing with the use of jump cut to a women, this is when it links into the second area within the four technical area which is sound. The music is non-digetic, it is very feminine to reflect on that particular character. She is the most feminine based character within this particular film which is clear, and because of the way she is acting you can tell that she uses her looks, smiling and swishing her hair, to get things in life. It also portrays that’s she is innocent which is ironic because this particular characters is one of the serial killers. I believe that within this short section you can tell that it’s suggestive that the film will have lots of twists.
Close ups is an example of one of the four techniques- camerawork. This particular close up is a shot of a man in authority, he is very well presented and it then uses editing to match cut to a shot of two men. Who take the persona of "Hilly Billy’s", they give off the look that they would be smelly, they are a mess and not well kept. This gives the look of the stereotypical killers in which I believe that they have correct, due to the nature of stereotypes.
Another example of mise-en-scene is the police break in, the way in which you are able to tell they are police is from their costumes, the props also add to the effect. Also because of the time period and the location they are almost having a "shoot out" and so this requires the props- i.e. gun’s to add to verisimilitude.
An example of editing is montage, this is used with the section of the police, women screaming, the killings, people running, driving, man smashing car, man smoking. This is very fast paced when it is shown this is because its to show that the film is very exciting and that it never has a dull moment. This also suggests that it will never fail to stop scaring people because it is so fast paced.
The title within the trailer is first used with a slogan and then a tagline and then the actually title is used, this is so that you know what the film is actually about and what you are likely to expect. Within the writing, the use of red is used. This is because it represents blood and death and because this film is a slasher and is mainly consistent of lots of death and killing the use of red is very effective to use because the target audience will automatically make this connection.
is based within America, it uses the stereotypical "red neck" locations. I believed this location is used because it is very isolated, where nothing much even grows; this vastly represents death. Another example of a film in which includes a similar location is "Hills have eyes". Through ought the film it uses the four technical areas to make the horror film effective.

1 comment:

  1. Level 4

    You have produced detailed analysis of similar products in relation to their use of technical aspects, and genre conventions.

    To improve further summarise key findings about how technical areas are typically used in horror films, and narrative conventions. You should also discuss the conventions of horror opening sequences - based on your research what usually happens in the first two or three minutes of a horror film.
