Wednesday 15 December 2010

The company that I would aim my product at would be Paramount.
My target audience is of a male and female teenage audience. The way in which I am doing this is by using younger characters such as actress and actor, the music that will be used in the background in elements will be a current relatable song. Also the props that will be used will be elements of a teenage audience stereotypical life such as media- television, music and books. Make up and clothing will also be a focus to attract the target audience as this is a focal attraction.
Rosie Floyd an student who has an interest in horror films says that this attracts her to horror films: "i find that characters that are younger appeal to me because it makes it more relatable and i am able to find the film more interesting and engaging."

 The plot is one of which could occur within a younger audience this is something that could affect a younger audience rather than an adult one. Love and hormones occur during the teenage years, this makes the film relatable because people have always fancied people weather it’s a natural attraction or an obsession. It will also highlight dangerous that could occur. This product would also be very entertaining and will build up tension to scare the target audience.
Paul Powell retail employee says that " the plot of the horror films make the horror film sucessful because if it doesnt have a chilling story line then it doesnt captivate my attention."
   The locations of the film will also be very appealing to the target audience because the use of natural locations such as a bedroom. Bedrooms are stereotypically where teenagers spend most of their time, such as using the internet, for revision and watching television. A bedroom also is a use of a comfort zone where you feel safe. This however will enforce how these particular characters are not safe. Also the use of a train station shows what type of public transport teenagers often use to get to places with peers, such as shopping. This will scare the target audience because it suggests that even with everyday activity’s people are not safe.
Jade Anderson an student also has an interest in horror films she said "i believe that within horror films the main element that makes them successful is if the location makes me scared or feel on edge. This is because you relate it to real life situations when you were scared in simular situations. Such as everyone has been scared in a dark location."

Over all there are many different elements that attract the audience to a horror film including other elements such as:
Set design
Sound/Sound effects
Camera angles/shots

I believe due to my own research and opinion that Sound and location are the most important elements of creating an horror film, which relates to attracting the target audience.

Character of the girl within my film.

Character of the boy within my film.


Location for the male room location.

prop to be used within the film

                                                            hairspray to be used with film

                                              Hair spray prop used within film   

                                Female costume used within film
Male Costume used within film

Friday 10 December 2010

This video inspired me to use the name of the song because of what it implies. The Lyrics describe a serial killer who has an obsession. The lyrics are "Let me take you down without a sound
Dead before you hit the ground
Blood washes my hand can't understand
Sterilizing my pain

Washed away with crimson tide
By my hand I keep testing time
Quench the fire that drives my soul
Soothing me as death takes hold

Peaceful and serene slowly bleeding
Eyes once bright are now fading
Pallid ashen face against my skin
Staring blindly at some place

Washed away by crimson tide
By my hand I keep testing time
Straight flesh lace adorns your neck
Spilling your blood all over my flesh

Quench the fire that drives my soul
Soothing me as death takes hold
Divine godsend enveloping me
Spiritual ecstasy sets me free"

This was taken from the website
on the 10th December 2010 at 2:37.

This suggests innocence within the murder that occurs, this is what i want to allow my film to occur with the use of a younger actor portraying sterotypically inoccent as reading also the females costume is very feminine. Costume is also white so that it also represents innocence. The talk of spiritual, is represented in what that character belives in because the male is worshipping the female. So that its his spiritual destitny that he believes. Also the refect of the short lyrics also reflects on the film as a whole because as this is just an short extract of what could occur.

Tuesday 7 December 2010


Production plan
The dates in which I will record my film is 11th to the 24th January.

The locations in which I will be recording my film is in three locations, a males bedroom, an females bedroom and a train station. This is because it corresponds with my Script.

Actors/Actress - female and male.
Camera co-ordinator.

Camera – take pictures for props.
Film camera
Mac – Edit the film

Pictures on wall

Male – Black t-shirt and black jeans.
            Shirt and trousers.
            Bright coloured top and jeans.
            Hat, plain back t-shirt and black jeans.

Female – White t-shirt and blue Jeggins.
                Chequered coat, scarf and black leggins.


Shot list:

Mid shot of split screen of two characters, boy and girl. Location is in two seperate bedrooms. This will occur for about 20 seconds.

Long shot of boy putting on clothing. This location occurs in a males bedroom. This will occur for approximately 10 seconds because the shot is sped up.

Mid shot of boy reading a magazine this will also occur within a male bedroom for approximatley 15 seconds because the different uses of magazines, such as bike magazine, music magazine,dirty magazine.

Close up of magazine the location for this is also in a male bedroom, this lasts for around 7 seconds.

Over the shoulder shot of boy watching television this occurs for around 20 seconds.
Mid shot of boy writing on paper. This also occurs within the males bedroom, this will last aproximatley 5 seconds.

Close up of the paper so audience see’s writing, this will occur for around 3 seconds so that it is quick so it allows a sense of confusion. This also occurs in a male bedroom.

Over the shoulder shot of boy looking at camera. This is also in the male bedroom location, this will occur for about 5 seconds.

Extreme close up of images on camera. This also occured in a male bedroom, for aproximatley 5 seconds.

Mid shot of girl reading book. This occurs in a female bedroom location for approximately 15 seconds.

Establishing shot of train station where the girl is, this occurs within a trainstation to create versimitude. This occurs for about 5 seconds.

Mid shot showing the girl waiting, this is still the location of the trainstation this will occur for about 10 seconds.

Tracking follows the girl looking for her friend or girl being impatient. This also is at the location of the trainstation and occurs for about 10 seconds.

Close up/eye line match showing the girl is waiting and time has passed. This is also at the train station, this occurs for about 5 seconds

Mid shot of split screen of girl and boy putting on lipstick. This occurs for about 15 seconds, this is in the location of a male and female bedroom.

Long/mid shot = dependent on amount of props on wall (pictures) to show the pictures on the wall. This will occur for about 17 seconds, this is the location of a male bedroom

Close up of boys reaction to seeing the images. This occurs for around 5 seconds, this loction is within a male bedroom.

Mid shot of the boy speaking. This is within a male bedroom, this occurs for about 20 seconds.

Close up of the boy speaking.This is within a male bedroom, this occurs for about 10 seconds.

Long shot of the characters walking down the stairs. This location is within a train station, this occurs for around 10 seconds.

Mid shot of the characters reaching the bottom, this also in a train station and lasts fro around 5 seconds.

Close up of the characters.

19-21 also split screen.






Storyline/ outline of film:
For my storyline within my film product I want it to be a combination of a teen and psychological horror. The way in which I am adapting the teenage sub genre is the choice of characters, their costumes, props and the narrative. The way in which I am adopting the psychological element is within the narrative camera work and editing.
The product will start with a split screen with the two main characters; they will both be doing separate actions. For example the girl will be representing innocence such as reading a book; the male will be representing evil and threatening and will show this by smoking a cigarette. This shot will be a mid shot. This will then switch to a shot of the male doing different tasks, such as putting on different clothing, reading magazine, watching a film, writing, drawing the girl, looking at the camera with pictures of the girl. This section will be speeded up, so it gives the effect that this particular male character is crazy. The different types of shots within this section will be long shot, mid shot, close up, over the shoulder shot, mid shot. I will then have a Establishing shot to show the section that the girl is waiting at the train station for another friend; this will show her pacing up and down, this shot will be an tracking and mid shot and also looking at a watch will be an close up. This will then cut to a split screen with the two characters both putting on the same lipstick in the mirror. This particular shot is a mid shot. This will then just stay with the male character, you will then see pictures of the girl all over his wall; this shot is a close up and mid shot. This is when you discover that he has been watching her. He has a monologue of where he is planning his attack upon her and declaring his love, this shot is a mid shot. It will then lead onto a split screen of both of the characters walking down the train station steps this will show the fact that he is watching her, this is also a mid shot.