Tuesday 7 December 2010


Shot list:

Mid shot of split screen of two characters, boy and girl. Location is in two seperate bedrooms. This will occur for about 20 seconds.

Long shot of boy putting on clothing. This location occurs in a males bedroom. This will occur for approximately 10 seconds because the shot is sped up.

Mid shot of boy reading a magazine this will also occur within a male bedroom for approximatley 15 seconds because the different uses of magazines, such as bike magazine, music magazine,dirty magazine.

Close up of magazine the location for this is also in a male bedroom, this lasts for around 7 seconds.

Over the shoulder shot of boy watching television this occurs for around 20 seconds.
Mid shot of boy writing on paper. This also occurs within the males bedroom, this will last aproximatley 5 seconds.

Close up of the paper so audience see’s writing, this will occur for around 3 seconds so that it is quick so it allows a sense of confusion. This also occurs in a male bedroom.

Over the shoulder shot of boy looking at camera. This is also in the male bedroom location, this will occur for about 5 seconds.

Extreme close up of images on camera. This also occured in a male bedroom, for aproximatley 5 seconds.

Mid shot of girl reading book. This occurs in a female bedroom location for approximately 15 seconds.

Establishing shot of train station where the girl is, this occurs within a trainstation to create versimitude. This occurs for about 5 seconds.

Mid shot showing the girl waiting, this is still the location of the trainstation this will occur for about 10 seconds.

Tracking follows the girl looking for her friend or girl being impatient. This also is at the location of the trainstation and occurs for about 10 seconds.

Close up/eye line match showing the girl is waiting and time has passed. This is also at the train station, this occurs for about 5 seconds

Mid shot of split screen of girl and boy putting on lipstick. This occurs for about 15 seconds, this is in the location of a male and female bedroom.

Long/mid shot = dependent on amount of props on wall (pictures) to show the pictures on the wall. This will occur for about 17 seconds, this is the location of a male bedroom

Close up of boys reaction to seeing the images. This occurs for around 5 seconds, this loction is within a male bedroom.

Mid shot of the boy speaking. This is within a male bedroom, this occurs for about 20 seconds.

Close up of the boy speaking.This is within a male bedroom, this occurs for about 10 seconds.

Long shot of the characters walking down the stairs. This location is within a train station, this occurs for around 10 seconds.

Mid shot of the characters reaching the bottom, this also in a train station and lasts fro around 5 seconds.

Close up of the characters.

19-21 also split screen.

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