Wednesday 15 December 2010

The company that I would aim my product at would be Paramount.
My target audience is of a male and female teenage audience. The way in which I am doing this is by using younger characters such as actress and actor, the music that will be used in the background in elements will be a current relatable song. Also the props that will be used will be elements of a teenage audience stereotypical life such as media- television, music and books. Make up and clothing will also be a focus to attract the target audience as this is a focal attraction.
Rosie Floyd an student who has an interest in horror films says that this attracts her to horror films: "i find that characters that are younger appeal to me because it makes it more relatable and i am able to find the film more interesting and engaging."

 The plot is one of which could occur within a younger audience this is something that could affect a younger audience rather than an adult one. Love and hormones occur during the teenage years, this makes the film relatable because people have always fancied people weather it’s a natural attraction or an obsession. It will also highlight dangerous that could occur. This product would also be very entertaining and will build up tension to scare the target audience.
Paul Powell retail employee says that " the plot of the horror films make the horror film sucessful because if it doesnt have a chilling story line then it doesnt captivate my attention."
   The locations of the film will also be very appealing to the target audience because the use of natural locations such as a bedroom. Bedrooms are stereotypically where teenagers spend most of their time, such as using the internet, for revision and watching television. A bedroom also is a use of a comfort zone where you feel safe. This however will enforce how these particular characters are not safe. Also the use of a train station shows what type of public transport teenagers often use to get to places with peers, such as shopping. This will scare the target audience because it suggests that even with everyday activity’s people are not safe.
Jade Anderson an student also has an interest in horror films she said "i believe that within horror films the main element that makes them successful is if the location makes me scared or feel on edge. This is because you relate it to real life situations when you were scared in simular situations. Such as everyone has been scared in a dark location."

Over all there are many different elements that attract the audience to a horror film including other elements such as:
Set design
Sound/Sound effects
Camera angles/shots

I believe due to my own research and opinion that Sound and location are the most important elements of creating an horror film, which relates to attracting the target audience.

Character of the girl within my film.

Character of the boy within my film.


Location for the male room location.

prop to be used within the film

                                                            hairspray to be used with film

                                              Hair spray prop used within film   

                                Female costume used within film
Male Costume used within film

1 comment:

  1. 15/20 (B)

    You have completed good research into similar products and the target audience, and produced some detailed planning.

    To improve further consider using images to illustrate your analysis of similar products. Try to include a more detailed summary of your audience research - what are the most important things you found out? It may also be useful to complete a focus group to find out more detailed information from your target audience. You could use photographs to support your planning, e.g. of possible locations, actors, costumes.
